One of our most iconic pieces, the M430 pencil sharpener finished in shiny chrome and black lacquer. No desk would be complete without this beauty. A perfect pencil, everytime.
M-430 手搖式削鉛筆機係我哋其中一款最具標誌性嘅產品,配以23K金同黑色漆面,完美提升您嘅書桌品味,為您每次打造出完美嘅鉛筆尖。產品描述手搖式削鉛筆機,黑色與23K金表面處理。手工拋光採用鋼材及鋅合金製造黑色漆身,零件經銅、鎳及23K金電鍍配備吸力底座及手柄尺寸:11 x 11 x 15厘米(4.3 x 4.3 x 5.9英寸)重量:1.1公斤附有精美禮盒包裝提供四種鉛筆尖設定 :
One of our most iconic pieces, the M430 pencil sharpener finished in shiny chrome and black lacquer. No desk would be complete without this beauty. A perfect pencil, everytime.