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Kaweco/Waldmann/Leuchttrum1917/ IWI




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Kaweco Collection 為年度限量鋼筆


Mid-Night Green, Liliac 已全售罄,不會再次返貨,市場找到已該升值。
Dark Olive .  Lavender   [限量貨品,剩餘少量]

125. Kaweco Collection AL Sport 2022 限量 Iguana Blue 鬣蜥藍 鋁合金 F Nib 鋼筆 (送Galen Leather植鞣革皮套 ) (只限1支)

凡網上訂購年限版鋼筆Iguana Blue(免費送Galen Leather鞣製皮革皮套 ) The Kaweco Sport in an exotic colour variant In 1911 something remarkable by the name of Kaweco Sport was created. The pocket foun..

Kaweco Collection AL Sport 2022 限量 RUBY RED 紅寶石 鋁合金鋼筆 送紅色墨膽

The Kaweco Sport in energizing Ruby Red In 1911 something remarkable by the name of Kaweco Sport was created. The pocket fountain pen only measures 10.5 cm when closed. Therefore, you can e..

Kaweco COLLECTION Fountain Pen Apricot Pearl

Kaweco Sport in a revitalising orange hue. The Kaweco Collection Apricot Pearl – a fountain pen that awakens the creative mind. The colour variant eliminates everyday stress and encourages ..

Kaweco COLLECTION Fountain Pen Dark Olive【售罄】 Kaweco COLLECTION Fountain Pen Dark Olive【售罄】 售罄
Kaweco COLLECTION Fountain Pen Dark Olive【售罄】

Sport系列永恆的典範,由高品質塑料製成,色彩鮮豔。1911年,Kaweco Sport創造了一些特別的東西。 袖珍鋼筆在關閉時只有10.5厘米長,因此可以隨身攜帶,不會出現任何問題。 重新定位帽子後,它會成長為正常尺寸的13厘米。 Writing System: Fountain Pen Material: Pl..

Kaweco COLLECTION Fountain Pen Iguana Blue 2022 限量 Iguana Blue 鬣蜥藍 鋁合金 鋼筆

The Kaweco Sport in an exotic colour variant In 1911 something remarkable by the name of Kaweco Sport was created. The pocket fountain pen only measures 10.5 cm when closed. The..

Kaweco COLLECTION Fountain Pen Liliput Blue

Minimalism with big impact. Just three parts: cap, barrel and front section – that's all you need for the Kaweco Liliput fountain pen, which has been fascinating with its simple design sinc..

Kaweco COLLECTION Fountain Pen Vibrant Violet 加送紫色墨膽

The timeless model of the Sport series made of high-quality plastic in fresh colors In 1911 something special was created with the Kaweco Sport. The pocket fountain pen is only 10.5 cm long..

Kaweco Collection Liliput 輕巧系列 Green 青草綠色 2022 迷你小人國 限量鋼筆

極簡主義遇上飽和綠色。 Liliput 是最古老的 Kaweco 模型之一。在 1908 年它已經著迷 其簡單的設計,當時由硬橡膠製成。卡維科 Liliput 仍然只由三部分組成:蓋子、槍管和前部。 與春天的覺醒和大自然的萌芽保持一致,Kaweco Liliput 鋼筆呈現出濃郁的淺綠色。絲綢亞光面 鋁製機身的表面處理營造出高貴和天鵝絨般的外觀..

Kaweco Collection OLIVINE Green 限量鋼筆

Kaweco Collection OLIVINE Green Fountain Pen In 1911 something remarkable by the name of Kaweco Sport was created. The pocket fountain pen only measures 10.5 cm when closed. Therefore, you can ..

Kaweco Collection Skyline Sport Cyan 青藍 2021年度限量鋼筆

The timeless model of the Sport series made of high-quality plastic in fresh colors In 1911 something special was created with the Kaweco Sport. The pocket fountain pen is only 10.5 cm long..

Kaweco Collection Skyline Sport Iridescent Pearl 彩虹珍珠 2022 限量鋼筆 【售罄】 Kaweco Collection Skyline Sport Iridescent Pearl 彩虹珍珠 2022 限量鋼筆 【售罄】 售罄
Kaweco Collection Skyline Sport Iridescent Pearl 彩虹珍珠 2022 限量鋼筆 【售罄】

Kaweco Sport Iridescent Pearl  採用彩虹色珍珠鏡片。剩餘少量,有買快手!光與色彩,總是在不同人眼中產生獨一無二的化學反應;而熱愛收藏各種色彩鋼筆的你,絕對不能錯過本次最新推出的 Kaweco Sport Iridescent Pearl 鋼筆。它與眾不同的設計正隆重向大家展示將光與無限色彩融入筆身的美學境界~130多年來,Kaweco一直是鋼筆愛好者..

Kaweco Collection Skyline Sport Light Lavender 亮薰衣草 2021年度限量鋼 即送Kaweco SPORT系列 銀色八角筆夾

Kaweco 2021 Spring CollectionSport系列永恆的典範,由高品質塑料製成,色彩鮮豔。1911年,Kaweco Sport創造了一些特別的東西。 袖珍鋼筆在關閉時只有10.5厘米長,因此可以隨身攜帶,不會出現任何問題。 重新定位帽子後,它會成長為正常尺寸的13厘米。 Writing System: Fountain P..

Kaweco Collection Skyline Sport Mellow Blue 天空藍 2022 限量鋼筆 即送Kaweco SPORT系列 銀色八角筆夾

In 1911 something remarkable by the name of Kaweco Sport was created. The pocket fountain pen only measures 10.5 cm when closed. Therefore, you can easily take it anywhere. With the cap mounte..

Kaweco Collection Sport 2022 限量 SMOOTH SAGE 鼠尾草綠 鋼筆 即送Kaweco SPORT系列 銀色八角筆夾

The Kaweco Sport model in subtle sage green In 1911 something remarkable by the name of Kaweco Sport was created. The pocket fountain pen only measures 10.5 cm when closed. Therefore, you c..

Kaweco Collection Sport 2023 限量版 富山冷光藍 Toyama Teal 鋼筆

A phenomenal spectacle meets the Kaweco Sport A wonderfully beautiful spectacle of nature can be observed during spring nights at certain places all over the world. One of these places is i..

限量140週年紀念版 Kaweco EBONIT Sport 2023 硬橡膠鋼筆,筆尖軟彈,寫耐唔會攰

Kaweco的起源可以追溯到 1883 年。在過去的 140 年裡,卡維高以高品質的寫字工具書寫著歷史,因此被譽為其工業領域中最古老的品牌之一。這種遺產至今仍然體現在其產品設計中。時至今日,以下原則依然具有開創性:創造充滿激情和愛的寫字工具,將成為一個終身受人喜愛和忠實的伴侶。透過卡維高 Ebonit Sport,我們帶您穿越時光。這款受歡迎的Sport型號不僅外形靈感來自一百多年前的產品,而且所..

第 1 ~ 18 筆,共 18 筆資料
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