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Kaweco/Waldmann/Leuchttrum1917/ IWI





Kaweco Ink Bottle Royal Blue 皇家藍墨水 50 ml

Jedes Kaweco Tintenglas enthält 30 ml original Kaweco Tinte Die Tinte ist in 10 verschiedenen Farben erhältlich. Jedes Glas ist mit einem Kaweco Gütesiegel versehen um zu gewährleis..

060 Twin Steel Nib Kaweco

All Kaweco mouthpieces fit the CLASSIC, ICE and SKYLINE series The nib and ink feeder are firmly pressed into the mouthpiece. By unscrewing, the entire mouthpiece can be easily removed to repla..

114a. Kaweco ORIGINAL Fountain Pen 060 Black Chrome EF nib (只限1支) 旺角倉每週六發貨一次!+ 送吸墨器 寄順豐免運

Original design redefined. A completely new pen series, but originally Kaweco: The new Kaweco Original impresses with its elegant lines and distinctive design. Especially the matte look of ..

114b. Kaweco ORIGINAL Fountain Pen 060 Black Chrome F nib 「震撼價」(只限1支) 旺角倉每週六發貨一次! 寄順豐免運

Original design redefined. A completely new pen series, but originally Kaweco: The new Kaweco Original impresses with its elegant lines and distinctive design. Especially the matte look of ..

125. Kaweco Collection AL Sport 2022 限量 Iguana Blue 鬣蜥藍 鋁合金 F Nib 鋼筆 (送Galen Leather植鞣革皮套 ) (只限1支)

凡網上訂購年限版鋼筆Iguana Blue(免費送Galen Leather鞣製皮革皮套 ) The Kaweco Sport in an exotic colour variant In 1911 something remarkable by the name of Kaweco Sport was created. The pocket foun..

Black 黑色 0.8mm 原子筆筆芯 D1 - 5 pcs Kaweco

D1原子筆-黑色筆芯也稱為多色筆筆芯Kaweco是少數提供3種不同線寬的D1。 特別柔軟的粘貼確保了特殊的書寫體驗。可用的線寬為藍色和黑色,分別為0.8毫米(細),1.0毫米(中)和1.2毫米(寬)。 Writing System: Ball Pen Colour: Black ..

Black 黑色 1.0mm 原子筆筆芯 D1 - 5 pcs Kaweco

D1原子筆-黑色筆芯也稱為多色筆筆芯Kaweco是少數提供3種不同線寬的D1。 特別柔軟的粘貼確保了特殊的書寫體驗。可用的線寬為藍色和黑色,分別為0.8毫米(細),1.0毫米(中)和1.2毫米(寬)。 Writing System: Ball Pen Colour: Black ..

Caramel Brown Chrome Kaweco Standard Converter

用於長身筆(~13cm),例如:STUDENT, PERKO , SPECIAL , ELEGANCE , Dia2 , Screw the piston up to suck up the inks easily.*Not for "Sport series" and LILIPUTOur standard converter that fits in all long fountain..

Kaweco 3.2mm Graphite Lead 5B Pack of 6pc

Tried and tested The Kaweco replacement pencil leads are made of graphite and are available in 3.2 and 5.6 mm line widths with a hardness of 5B. Thus, they are soft and especially suitable fo..

Kaweco AC SPORT Ballpen Red

由陽極氧化鋁製成,並鑲嵌碳纖維和鉻裝飾。 它具有按鈕動作,可以使筆芯前進或後退。 Writing System: Ball Pen Material: Aluminium Colour: Green ..

Kaweco AC SPORT Fountain Pen Black (Black Nib)

如果想了解鋼筆筆尖不同款式如何選擇請往筆尖購買使用指南還有其他問題? 可 whatsapp筆先生聯絡 Writing System: Fountain Pen Material: Aluminium Colour: Black Length posted: 13 cm ..

Kaweco AC SPORT Fountain Pen Red

Writing System: Fountain Pen Material: Aluminium Colour: Red Length posted: 13 cm Length closed: 10,5 cm ..

Kaweco AC SPORT Mechanical Pencil 0.7 mm Black

Druckbleistift der luxuriösen Serie aus Aluminium und Carbon in kräftigen Farben Die Serie wird komplettiert durch einen Druckbleistift mit 0,7 mm Strichstärke. Die Kaweco Ersatzminen für den..

Kaweco AC SPORT Mechanical Pencil 0.7 mm Red

Das luxuriöse Modell der Serie Sport aus Aluminium und Carbon in kräftigen Farben Dieser Taschenfüllhalter hat geschlossen nur eine Größe von 10,5 cm und kann somit problemlos in der Tasche mit si..

Kaweco AL SPORT Mechanical Pencil 0.7 mm Rosé Gold

Mechanical pencil of the contemporary series made of high-quality aluminium in contemporary colours. It is impossible to imagine the current fashion or even lifestyle products without it: we’re t..

Kaweco All Purpose 5.6 mm - 3 pcs (Yellow, Blue, Green)

Whether stone, glass or wood, these wax-based leads write on all solid surfaces The writing can be wiped off, the leads are available in different colours. Where many products fail or leave ugly ..

Kaweco ART SPORT Fountain Pen Hickory Brown 山胡桃 (免費送迷你吸墨器)

重溫昔日風情,擁抱Kaweco Sport復古風格鋼筆。專為懷舊愛好者設計,Kaweco Art Sport的核桃棕色調喚起對過往時代的憧憬。溫暖閃爍的棕色與深沉的黑色融合,締造經典復古美感,特別突出與金色元素的和諧交融。其拋光面因顏色強度與光澤度的不同,展現出獨特的深度效果。高品質壓克力藝術澆鑄工藝,賦予每枝筆獨特質感和圖案,使之獨一無二。筆上的永久夾子確保您在旅途中或使用書寫板時筆不失手。19..

Kaweco ART SPORT Fountain Pen Mineral White 礦石白 (免費送迷你吸墨器)

探索Kaweco Sport鋼筆的迷人魅力,現以迷人的藝術圖案呈現。Kaweco Art Sport鋼筆以永恆的礦物白色調展現獨家和刺激感。其高品質壓克力外殼呈現獨特的裂紋質感,使這款書寫工具顯得格外迷人。結構材料的不同透光度創造了特有的深度感,以迷人方式捕捉並多方向反射光線。銀色鍍層元素完美補充了這款鋼筆的冰冷外觀。永久安裝的夾子確保筆在移動時或在書寫板上的穩固握持。1911年,一款名為Kawe..

Kaweco ART SPORT Fountain Pen Pebble Blue 鵝卵石藍 (免費送迷你吸墨器)

Kaweco Sport鋼筆以時尚藍色展現卓越的書寫體驗。Kaweco Art Sport鋼筆的Pebble Blue色調散發出永恆的優雅。深黑色與藍色閃爍嵌入物的交互作用使這款高品質壓克力製造的書寫工具成為尤為高貴的收藏品和焦點。藍色陰影的不同強度與光滑、高度拋光的表面創造出迷人的刺激感和深度。獨特的質地透過藝術性的澆鑄工藝形成,因此每枝書寫工具都獨一無二。銀色鍍層元素賦予其涼爽外觀,並突出時尚..

Kaweco BRONZE SPORT Mechanical Pencil Kaweco BRONZE SPORT Mechanical Pencil 售罄
Kaweco BRONZE SPORT Mechanical Pencil

Heavy mechanical pencil made of high-quality bronze with an individual touch. Writing instruments of the series Kaweco Bronze Sport gradually develop a natural and unique patina. Every mech..

Kaweco CALLIGRAPY Front Part White with Steel Nib

Alle Kaweco Mundstücke passen für die Serien CLASSIC, ICE und SKYLINE Feder und Tintenleiter sind in dem Mundstück fest eingepresst. Durch herausschrauben kann das ganze Mundstück zum Auswechseln ..

Kaweco CLASSIC SPORT Front Part Black with gold-plated Steel Nib

所有Kaweco 筆尖均符合 CLASSIC,ICE 和 SKYLINE系列彈簧和墨水導向器牢固地壓入接口管中。 通過擰下整個筆尖來更換,墨膽可以很容易地取下。有五種不同的線寬可供選擇。 除了標準系列之外,還有一個用於Kaweco SKYLINE或KALLIGRAFIE鋼筆的Kaweco書法筆尖。材質:不銹鋼 - 鍍金尖..

Kaweco CLASSIC SPORT Front Part Bordeaux with gold-plated Steel Nib

Alle Kaweco Mundstücke passen für die Serien CLASSIC, ICE und SKYLINE Feder und Tintenleiter sind in dem Mundstück fest eingepresst. Durch herausschrauben kann das ganze Mundstück zum Auswechseln ..

Kaweco CLASSIC SPORT Front Part Red with gold-plated Steel Nib

Alle Kaweco Mundstücke passen für die Serien CLASSIC, ICE und SKYLINE Feder und Tintenleiter sind in dem Mundstück fest eingepresst. Durch herausschrauben kann das ganze Mundstück zum Auswechseln ..

Kaweco CLASSIC SPORT Front Part Transparent with gold-plated Steel Nib

Alle Kaweco Mundstücke passen für die Serien CLASSIC, ICE und SKYLINE Feder und Tintenleiter sind in dem Mundstück fest eingepresst. Durch herausschrauben kann das ganze Mundstück zum Auswechseln ..

Kaweco CLASSIC SPORT Front Part White with gold-plated Steel Nib

Alle Kaweco Mundstücke passen für die Serien CLASSIC, ICE und SKYLINE Feder und Tintenleiter sind in dem Mundstück fest eingepresst. Durch herausschrauben kann das ganze Mundstück zum Auswechseln ..

Kaweco Collection AL Sport 2022 限量 RUBY RED 紅寶石 鋁合金鋼筆 送紅色墨膽

The Kaweco Sport in energizing Ruby Red In 1911 something remarkable by the name of Kaweco Sport was created. The pocket fountain pen only measures 10.5 cm when closed. Therefore, you can e..

Kaweco COLLECTION Fountain Pen Apricot Pearl

Kaweco Sport in a revitalising orange hue. The Kaweco Collection Apricot Pearl – a fountain pen that awakens the creative mind. The colour variant eliminates everyday stress and encourages ..

Kaweco COLLECTION Fountain Pen Iguana Blue 2022 限量 Iguana Blue 鬣蜥藍 鋁合金 鋼筆

The Kaweco Sport in an exotic colour variant In 1911 something remarkable by the name of Kaweco Sport was created. The pocket fountain pen only measures 10.5 cm when closed. The..

Kaweco COLLECTION Fountain Pen Liliput Blue

Minimalism with big impact. Just three parts: cap, barrel and front section – that's all you need for the Kaweco Liliput fountain pen, which has been fascinating with its simple design sinc..

Kaweco Collection Liliput 輕巧系列 Green 青草綠色 2022 迷你小人國 限量鋼筆

極簡主義遇上飽和綠色。 Liliput 是最古老的 Kaweco 模型之一。在 1908 年它已經著迷 其簡單的設計,當時由硬橡膠製成。卡維科 Liliput 仍然只由三部分組成:蓋子、槍管和前部。 與春天的覺醒和大自然的萌芽保持一致,Kaweco Liliput 鋼筆呈現出濃郁的淺綠色。絲綢亞光面 鋁製機身的表面處理營造出高貴和天鵝絨般的外觀..

Kaweco Collection OLIVINE Green 限量鋼筆

Kaweco Collection OLIVINE Green Fountain Pen In 1911 something remarkable by the name of Kaweco Sport was created. The pocket fountain pen only measures 10.5 cm when closed. Therefore, you can ..

Kaweco Collection Skyline Sport Mellow Blue 天空藍 2022 限量鋼筆 即送Kaweco SPORT系列 銀色八角筆夾

In 1911 something remarkable by the name of Kaweco Sport was created. The pocket fountain pen only measures 10.5 cm when closed. Therefore, you can easily take it anywhere. With the cap mounte..

Kaweco Collection Sport 2023 限量版 富山冷光藍 Toyama Teal 鋼筆

A phenomenal spectacle meets the Kaweco Sport A wonderfully beautiful spectacle of nature can be observed during spring nights at certain places all over the world. One of these places is i..

Kaweco CONNECT Disc Black

For all Kaweco fans, who love digital precision, but don't want to miss the fountain pen feeling The transparent and flexibly movable disc at the end of the insert allows you to see exactly, wher..

Kaweco CONNECT Disc Gold

For all Kaweco fans, who love digital precision, but don't want to miss the fountain pen feeling The transparent and flexibly movable disc at the end of the insert allows you to see exactly, wher..

Kaweco CONNECT Disc Silver

For all Kaweco fans, who love digital precision, but don't want to miss the fountain pen feeling The transparent and flexibly movable disc at the end of the insert allows you to see exactly, wher..

Kaweco Connect Spare Part Set EMR

Two spare tips and a pair of tweezers for the Kaweco Connect EMR Insert. The Kaweco Connect Spare Part Set EMR contains two spare tips for the Kaweco Connect EMR Insert as well as a pair of t..

Kaweco CONNECT Touch Black

For all Kaweco fans, who love digital precision, but don't want to miss the fountain pen feeling If you don't want to give your Kaweco fountain pen feeling a miss, the new Kaweco Connect tools fo..

Kaweco CONNECT Touch Gold

For all Kaweco fans, who love digital precision, but don't want to miss the fountain pen feeling If you don't want to give your Kaweco fountain pen feeling a miss, the new Kaweco Connect tools fo..

Kaweco CONNECT Touch Silver

For all Kaweco fans, who love digital precision, but don't want to miss the fountain pen feeling If you don't want to give your Kaweco fountain pen feeling a miss, the new Kaweco Connect tools fo..

Kaweco D1 Ballpen Refill Blue 1.0 - 5 pcs 原子筆-藍色

D1 ballpoint pen refills are also known as refills for multi-color pens Kaweco is one of the few companies to offer the D1 lead in 3 different line widths. The particularly soft paste ensures a..

Kaweco DIA2 Rollerball Chrome 銀色經典懷舊設計走珠筆

Luxurious roller ball in nostalgia design made of high-grade resin with elegant elements. The model was preserved in detail with ornamental elements and proportions dating from the 1920s and ..

Kaweco DIA2 Rollerball Gold 金色經典懷舊設計走珠筆 只接受訂購

Luxurious roller ball in nostalgia design made of high-grade resin with elegant elements. The model was preserved in detail with ornamental elements and proportions dating from the 1920s and ..

Kaweco DIA2 Twist Ball Pen Chrome 銀色經典懷舊設計原子筆 只接受訂購

Our luxurious nostalgia ball pen with elegant chrome elements made of high-grade resin. The shapes, decorative elements and proportions that could date back to the 1920s are preserved in deta..

Kaweco Eco 1 Pen Pouch Chilli Pepper for SPORT

Simple, genuine leather pouch in a fiery red hue. Protect your Kaweco Sport favourites with our pouch made of genuine leather. Super soft yet sturdy, the case fits comfortably in your hand and pro..

Kaweco Eco 1 Pen Pouch Creamy Espresso for SPORT

Simple, genuine leather pouch in creamy coffee shades. Protect your Kaweco Sport favourites with our pouch made of genuine leather. Super soft yet sturdy, the case fits comfortably in your hand an..

Kaweco Eco 1 Pen Pouch Tender Mint für SPORT

Simple, genuine leather pouch in a fresh mint colour. Protect your Kaweco Sport favourites with our pouch made of genuine leather. Super soft yet sturdy, the case fits comfortably in your hand and..

Kaweco Eco 2 Pen Pouch Black for LILIPUT

Simple, genuine leather pouch in elegant black. Protect your Kaweco Liliput favourites with our ECO pouch made of genuine leather. Super soft yet sturdy, the case fits comfortably in your hand and..

Kaweco Eco 2 Pen Pouch Black for SPORT

Simple, genuine leather pouch in elegant black. Protect your Kaweco Sport favourites with our pouch made of genuine leather. Super soft yet sturdy, the case fits comfortably in your hand and prote..

Kaweco Eco 2 Pen Pouch Black Long

Simple, genuine leather pouch in elegant black. Protect your Kaweco favourites with our pouch made of genuine leather for two pens in standard size. Super soft yet sturdy, the case fits comfortabl..

Kaweco Eco 2 Pen Pouch Brandy for LILIPUT

Simple, genuine leather pouch in a pleasant brown colour. Protect your Kaweco Liliput favourites with our pouch made of genuine leather. Super soft yet sturdy, the case fits comfortably in your ha..

Kaweco Eco 2 Pen Pouch Chilli Pepper for SPORT

Simple, genuine leather pouch in a fiery red hue. Protect your Kaweco Sport favourites with our pouch made of genuine leather. Super soft yet sturdy, the case fits comfortably in your hand and pro..

Kaweco Eco 2 Pen Pouch Creamy Espresso for SPORT

Simple, genuine leather pouch in creamy coffee shades. Protect your Kaweco Sport favourites with our pouch made of genuine leather. Super soft yet sturdy, the case fits comfortably in your hand an..

Kaweco Eco 2 Pen Pouch Tender Mint for SPORT

Simple, genuine leather pouch in a fresh mint colour. Protect your Kaweco Sport favourites with our pouch made of genuine leather. Super soft yet sturdy, the case fits comfortably in your hand and..

第 1 ~ 60 筆,共 156 筆資料
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